Scientific Research Laboratory at
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Intelligent control and decision making systems in industry and economics

The modern economy thrives on a systematic approach to management and decision-making across various industries. In this context, Fuzzy Logic, a groundbreaking mathematical theory pioneered by Azerbaijani professor Lotfi Zadeh, holds immense potential. 

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) is a leading institution in fostering the development and application of Fuzzy Logic within the country. Recognizing the ever-increasing role of computer science in the economic landscape, ASOU prioritizes integrating information technology (IT) education and research. This ensures graduates possess the skills demanded by modern industry standards. 

Beyond its traditional strengths in training oil and gas industry specialists, ASOU boasts a strong track record in economic management disciplines. The university established a dedicated scientific research laboratory specifically focused on: 

  • Advancing Fuzzy Logic research: The lab strives to push the boundaries of Fuzzy Logic theory and its applications. 
  • Developing intelligent management and decision-making methods: By leveraging Fuzzy Logic and other advanced techniques, the lab aims to create innovative tools for informed decision-making, particularly in uncertain scenarios. 
  • Harnessing Big Data for impactful insights: The lab recognizes the power of Big Data and explores its integration with Fuzzy Logic to extract valuable knowledge and support data-driven decision-making.